Monday, September 1, 2008

Technical Sections Volume II

A complete copy of all the Technical Sections, topics, questions and answers published in the EAGLE from 1998 to 2007. Available on CD-ROM only for PC or Mac. It is indexed by category such as electrical, suspension, etc. for easy reference and accessibility and contains over 150 pages and over 200 topics.

Available from the NFTAC by ordering on the website or by using the order form contained in each issue of the Eagle.
$15 plus $5 S&H. It can be purchased as part of a 2 volume combo that contains Tech Sections Volume I & II for $25 plus $5 S&H.
Volume I contains reprints of the EAGLES published from 1984 to 1995 and sells for $ 16 plus $5 S&H. It is indexed by subject for easy reference and contains over 150 pages and over 140 articles, topics, questions and answers.

National Firebird & T/A Club
P. O. Box 11238
Chicago, IL 60611
Ph.: 773-769-6262
Fax: 773-769-3240

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